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Scientific References in Peer Review Articles

Below is a list of peer reviewed articles proving the science behind Solbere and why it will solve the CO2 problem.

Articles and References by Category



Optimization of Photosynthesis Within Leaves of C3 and C4 Plants references:

Biel K.Y., Fomina, IR, Nishio, JN and Soukhovolsky VG. 2008. International Conference SICPRO, Moscow

Osmond B., Badger M., Maxwell K., Bjorkman O., Leegood R. Too many protons: photorespiration, photoinhibition and photooxidation // Trends Plant Sci. 1997. No 2. P. 119-121.

Bassham J.A., Calvin M. The Path of Carbon in Photosynthesis. Englewood: nPrentice-Hall Inc., 1957


Energy dissipation is an essential mechanism to sustain the viability of plants: The physiological limits of improved photosynthesis references:

Wiihelm C., Selmar D. Journal of Plant Physiology. 2011. No. 168 P. 79-87.

Hihara Y., Sonoike K. Regulation, inhibition and protection of PSi. In: Andersson B., AroE-M editors.  Regulation of photosynthesis. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Press; 2001. P. 507-31.


Chloroplast Accumulation Response Enhances Leaf Photosynthesis and Plant Biomass Production references: Gotoh E, Suetsugu N, Yamori W, Ishishita K, Kiyabu R, Fukuda M, Higa T, Shirouchi B, Wada M. Nov 2018. Plant Physiology. Vol 178. Issue 3. 

Davis PA, Hangarter RP. 2012. Chloroplast movement provides photo protection to plants by redistributing PSII damage within leaves.  Photosynth Res 112:153-161

Evans JR, Kaldenhoff r, Genty B, Terashima I.  2009. Resistance is along the CO2 diffusion pathway inside leaves. J Exp Bot 60:2235-2248.

Fujii Y et al. 2017. Phototropin perceived temperature based on the lifetime of its photoactivated state.  Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 114: 9206-9211.

Kaiser E, Morales A, et al.  2015. Dynamic photosynthesis in different environmental conditions. J Exp Bot 66:2415-2426.


The role of calcium in regulating photosynthesis and related physiological indexes of cucumber seedlings under low light intensity and sub optimal temperature stress References:

Liang W, Wang M, Ai X.  2009. Scientia Horticulture 123: 34-38.

De B, et. al. 1996. Short term heat shock and cold shock induced proline accumulation relation to calcium involvement in Lycopersicon esculeturn (Mill) cultured cells and seedling. Indian J. Plant Physiol 1, 32-35.

Bush DS. 1995. Calcium regulation in plant cells and its role in signaling.  Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. Mol. Biol. 46, 95-122.


Chloroplast Movement

Light-induced Chloroplast Movements in Oryza Species references:

Kihara M., Ushijima T., Yamagata Y., Tsuruda Y., Higa T., Abiko T., Kubo T., Wada M., Suetsugo N., Gotoh E. Journal of Plant Research. 2020. Https://

Park Y.I., Chow W.S., Anderson J.M. 1996. Chloroplast movement in the shade plant Tradescantia albiflora helps protect photosystem II against light stress. Plant Physiol 111:867-875.


Review Chloroplast movement. Wada M, 2013. Plant Science 210: 177-182.


Arabidopsis nph 1 and npl 1: Blue light receptors that mediate both phototropism and chloroplast relocation. Sakai T, Kagawqa T, PNAS. June 5, 2001. 98, 12: 6969-6974.


Chloroplast outer envelope protein CHUP1  is essential for chloroplast anchorage to the plasma membrane and chloroplast movement. Oikawa K, Yamasato A, et. al. 2008. Plant physiology.  148: 829-842. References:

DeBlasio SL, Luesse DL, Hangarter RP 2005. A plant specific proteins essential for blue light induced chloroplast movements. Plant Physiol 139: 101-114.

Kraml M, Büttner G, Haupt w, Herrmann H 1988. Chloroplast orientation in Mesotaenium the phytochrome effect is strongly  potentiated by interaction with blue light. Protoplasma S1: 172-179.


Light Absorption in Leaves

Measurement of Optical Properties of Leaves Under Diffuse Light references:

Gorton H., Broderson C.R., Williams W.E., Vogelman T.C., Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2010. 86: 1076-1083.

Williams WE, Gorton HL, Witiak SM. Chloroplast movements in the field. 2003. Plant Cell Environ. 26. 2005-2014.

Johnson DM, Smith WK. Low clouds and cloud immersion enhance photosynthesis and understory species of a southern Appalachian spruce fir forest. Am. J. Bot. 93. 1625-1632.

Broderson CR, Vogelmann TC, Gorton HL.  A new paradigm in leaf-level photosynthesis: Direct and diffuse lights are not equal. 2008. Plant cell Environ. 31, 159-164.


Do Epidermal Lens Cells Facilitate the Absorptance of Diffuse Light?  references:

Broderson CR, Vogelmann TC. American Journal of Botany. 94(7): 1061-1066. 2007.

Bone RA, Lee DW, Norman JM. 1985. At the drum of cells functioning as lenses in leaves of tropical rain forest shade plants. Applied Optics 24: 1408-1412.



Photoprotectant Applications

Foliar photoprotectant applications for improved forest health references:

Mansfield Labortory, The University of British Columbia, Department of Wood Science.


Physiological Effects of Exogenously Applied Reflectants and Anti-Transpirants on Leaf Temperature and Fruit Sunburn in Citrus references:

Rodriguez R, Anoruo A, Jifon J, Simpson C. Plants, 2019, 8, 549; doi: 10.3390/plants8120549

Weerakkody P, Jobling J, Infante MMV, Rogers G. The effect of maturity, sunburn and the application of sunscreens on the internal and extra qualities of pomegranate fruit grown in Australia. Sci. Hortic. 2010, 124, 57-61.

Glenn DM, Puterka GJ, Drake SR, Unruh TR, Knight AL, Baherle P, Prado E, Baugher TA. Particle film application influences apple leaf physiology, fruit yield, and fruit quality.Am. Soc. Hortic. Sci. 2001, 126, 175-181.

Schrader L, Sun J, Zhang J, Felicetti D, Tian J. Heat and light-induced apple skin disorders: causes and prevention.  Acta Hortic. 2008, 772, 51-58.



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